Contribute to Media Coverage

Mason Cummings, The Wilderness Society

Elevate issues about our wild places that matter to you

Call your local media outlets and pitch the story

Anyone can call their local newspaper and media outlets to suggest coverage of an issue. Start by calling and asking if the paper has an environmental or lands reporter. If not, you can ask for a news editor. Reporters are always looking for story tips and unusual local angles to follow. You can start the conversation by sharing any insider information or story angles that you think your community should be aware of. You are most likely to be successful if you can explain how a policy would impact local people or businesses. It can also help to share written information, such as press releases, fact sheets, relevant stories and contact information for experts and community members.

Show your local paper what local readers want

Newspaper editors keep a tally on the number of visitors to online pages to help inform future coverage. Help show your paper what the public wants by clicking and sharing the stories you care about. You can also engage on social media posts through comments. Your comment, when stated politely, can help educate other readers or correct a falsehood or mistake in a story.

Write a letter to the editor or an op-ed for your local papers

Congress members have staff members who cull through the newspapers for mentions of the member and any policies pertinent to that member. Those stories are compiled and delivered to the member each day. Writing a letter to the editor is a great way to get visibility for our issue and have it put directly before your Congress member. If you have a little more time and know your facts very well, you can also submit an “op-ed” or fuller editorial piece.  Submission requirements vary for each publication – so know the rules before you get started.

Write or speak with a clear and unique perspective
that ties to recent stories or local issues in a timely way.
Reference if the issue was recently covered
and say what you agree or disagree with.
Offer a strong well-supported opinion
but don't rant endlessly.
Mention if you are an issue expert
and/or include any relevant personal anecdotes that shed light on the issue.
Look for unusual side angles
that have yet to be explored by recent opinion writers.
Don't worry if your prose or speaking isn't perfect.
What's most important is the strength of your voice.