Press Release

TWS celebrates the appointment of Laura Daniel-Davis as Acting Deputy Interior Secretary

WASHINGTON D.C. (October 31, 2023) -- Today, the White House appointed Laura Daniel-Davis as the acting deputy secretary of the Interior, replacing outgoing Deputy Secretary Tommy Beaudreau. Daniel-Davis is currently the principal deputy assistant secretary for land and minerals management at Interior.  

Daniel-Davis, who served as chief of policy and advocacy at the National Wildlife Federation and served as chief of staff to secretaries of the interior Ken Salazar and Sally Jewell, will bring decades of expertise to the position.  

The following statement is from Jamie Williams, President of The Wilderness Society 

“Laura Daniel-Davis’s wealth of experience and qualifications are critical to establishing a more holistic conservation, climate and community-centric vision for public lands. The Biden Administration is advancing policies that put public lands to work on the challenges of the 21st century – particularly how to appropriately balance the rapid deployment of renewable energy with the need to protect the communities, species and ecosystems that rely on our public lands. Laura Daniel-Davis’s years of experience make her an excellent choice to help shepherd these efforts forward.” 


For more information, contact Emily Denny,